A Few Words

Most people would probably feel intimidated if they were asked to fill in an empty “about me” page – and for a good reason. Whether due to language barriers or simply because we tend to lose objectivity when talking about ourselves, capturing the essence of who we are and what we do in just a few paragraphs can feel like an extremely difficult task.

With that in mind, I’d like to introduce myself: my name is Charis Pavlou, and I’m a photographer living in Limassol, Cyprus.

For me, photography has always been about expression. I was fortunate to realize this from the very beginning of my journey. While many photographers talk about falling in love with their camera at an early age, my story is a bit different. I picked up my first camera in my late twenties, driven by a need to visually express my view of the world. Starting at an age when I had more life experience allowed me to approach photography with sincerity and simplicity.

I’m passionate about what I do, which is why each photo – from its initial concept to the final edit – receives a lot of my time and attention. Admittedly, I’m not a big fan of compromise. And while my tendency to never overlook the little things can be both a blessing and a curse, I believe it’s this attention to detail that makes a difference in the quality of the finished work and helps me convey emotion that seeks to resonate with the viewer. After all, evoking an emotional response is, in my view, one of the greatest achievements of a photograph.
